Become an ecomaine Community

Along with our commitment to truly sustainable waste management solutions, ecomaine offers its member communities a number of unique resources, from free educational opportunities to grants, and customizable resources.  

Benefits of Becoming an ecomaine Community:

  • Representation on the ecomaine board: 
    • Voice in decision making regarding waste management
  • A greater collective of diverse, innovative ideas and solutions
  • Economic scale
  • Long-term solutions within municipal control
  • Local control vs. privatized corporate control and less unpredictability in pricing
  • Greater potential for collaborating to acheive more effcient transportation costs
  • Collective legislative voice to empower communities with more effective measures to manage waste
  • Controlled costs for waste management 
    • Long-term equity in ecomaine facilities  

Is your community looking for a sustainable partner in implementing best practices toward landfill diversion goals?  Would you like the transparency and mission ecomaine can offer, as a municipally owned non-profit?  Would you like to be eligible to receive education in your schools and grants for recycling and compost projects?  Fill out the form below to connect with our Business Development Manager!